

What is blepharoplasty?
Blepharoplasty is one of the most commonly performed functional and cosmetic facial plastic surgical procedures. It is generally a safe and effective aesthetic treatment, which, in the right hands, will offer a significant improvement in appearance, with a low-risk profile. Blepharoplasty deals with the contours of the upper and lower eyelid space. An upper eyelid blepharoplasty concentrates on the region between the eyebrow and the eyelashes. Lower eyelid blepharoplasty focuses on the area between the eyelashes and the cheek. In essence, a blepharoplasty procedure concerns the removal of excess skin and muscle from these areas and either reduces or repositions the underlying fat to a more youthful configuration.

Why eyelid surgery?
Blepharoplasty can be performed for a variety of reasons. The ‘tired’ look is the most common reason as to why patients opt for blepharoplasty surgery. The heaviness of the eyelids and bags under the eyes give a constantly exhausted and tired appearance. In some patients, the appearance of the eyelids may be asymmetric and blepharoplasty may be performed to improve symmetry. For some people, saggy upper eyelid skin can obstruct the visual field (you may not be able to see the full extent of your lateral vision) so blepharoplasty is performed to remove this obstruction and improve vision.

Other Options for Eyelid Rejuvenation
Upper eyelid lift surgery may be combined with a lower eyelid lift, or with a browlift, depending on each patient’s objectives and facial features. Some patients will opt to try non surgical treatments (‘Blephearoplasty PLUS’) instead of – or in combination with – surgery. Although these treatments won’t produce the same dramatic change as a surgical approach, they may be a good option for those patients wishing to avoid or postpone surgery, or who wish to achieve the best results possible with a combination of treatments.

Benefits of Eyelid Lift Surgery
Tightened upper eyelid skin and muscles
Reduction in the bulging upper eyelid fat that causes eyelid puffiness
More show of the upper eyelid crease makes the eyes look bigger
Incisions are hidden in the upper eyelid crease

External Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty
Lower eyelid blepharoplasty is a term to describe a cosmetic surgery procedure in which extra skin and fat are carefully removed from the lower eyelids in order to create a more youthful eye appearance. The term EXTERNAL refers to the way the surgeon accesses the underlying eyelid structures using a fine incision made just below the lower lash line. The incision fades with time to become virtually imperceptible. The external approach is appropriate for patients who have lower lid skin laxity, pronounced bags and general puffiness. Generally speaking, patients over the age of 40 have started to develop the kind of skin laxity that would make the external approach the better one for them.

The internal approach involves an incision which is made in the inside of the lower eyelid, meaning that there are no scars on the outside of the eye. This approach is typically appropriate for patients under the age of 40 who have little skin laxity or lose bags, but are bothered by a puffy pocket of herniated fat. .

Incisional Double Eyelid Surgery
Incisional double eyelid surgery is a cosmetic surgery procedure to create a natural looking, crease in the upper eyelid. This procedure is commonly known as “Asian eyelid surgery,” as roughly 50% of Asians are born with eyelids that do not have a crease. Some find that their eyes look “closed” and “puffy,” or that they have a tired appearance that does not reflect the way they truly feel. The incisional (or ‘open suture’) technique offers patients a more controlled crease shape and height.

Eyebrow Lift Surgery
Direct brow lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure to reposition the brows to a natural looking, higher position. The term ‘direct’ refers to the way the surgeon accesses the underlying brow structures and involves fine incisions made just above either eyebrow, in the forehead area. The incisions are carefully placed inside the patient’s natural facial creases, and they fade over time. This procedure allows for a direct and significant lifting of the eyebrows, and is ideal for patients who can tolerate scars. The scars fade over time and often become imperceptible.

Pretrichial Eyebrow Surgery
Pretrichial brow lift also repositions the brows by lifting the ‘brow tail’. This technique is performed by one 1-2 inches long incision in each side just behind the hairline to avoid any visible scars. This procedure especially lifts the ‘brow tails’ that tend to sink with aging due to the development of hollowness in the temples. The effects are significant, and in a combination with an upper blepharoplasty procedure the periorbital area really undergo a complete rejuvenation.

Benefits of the Eyebrow Surgery
In women, a more attractive arched brow shape
More open, alert eyes
Less redundant upper eyelid skin
Improve angry or tired appearance

Step 1: Pre-operative consultation

Please start off by booking a pre-operative consultation.
This is your face to face, in-depth discussion with your surgeon Dr. Thulesen. Your pre-operative surgical consultation, aside from the surgery itself, is the most important part of the cosmetic surgery experience.

Your Objectives: What are you hoping to change? We need to hear about what features are bothering you so we can recommend the surgery or treatment that might be right for you.

Photo Review: Reviewing photos is essential if we are to advise you properly. The consultation includes a discussion of your objectives and review of your photos with Dr. Thulesen to find out if the changes you seek are possible.

Procedure Timeline: When do you hope to have surgery? Do you have a short window of opportunity to recovery? We will be able to advise you on the appropriate amount of time to take off work, school and activities. You can also look at potential surgery dates together to help you begin planning.

Procedure Costs: We can talk to you about the costs you should expect.